Born and raised in Shanghai China, Miss Luqi Chen has experienced the explosive growth of the Chinese real estate industry in the last ten years. After working at the Bank of China for four years, she joined the Runstad Center with the interest of finance and sustainable development of real estate.
Luqi’s professional experience in the banking industry offers strong work ethic, consciousness of perspective taking and self-motivation. Her outstanding work performance in wealth management and corporate finance enabled a quick promotion in her career.
Luqi received her Bachelor’s Degree in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, majoring in Real Estate Development and Management. During her undergraduate study, she gained research experience, including a project about potential development of a Multiple Listing System in the Shanghai real estate market, and another one about the rental of commercial properties in Shanghai.
In decades of years, globalization has influenced so many industries as well as real estate industry. The market participants of both commercial property and residential property have been significantly diversified. Luqi expects herself to be a future leader in the real estate industrial with her international background and cross-industry experience. She is a member of the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP). In her spare time, Luqi enjoys swimming and hiking.