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  • Roushan Kwatra awarded NAIOP Scholarship

    June 14, 2024

    roushan kwatra

    The NAIOP + Prologis Inclusion in CRE Scholarship is awarded to 15 awardees annually across the United States for outstanding dedication and commitment to networking organizations in Commercial Real Estate as well as leadership in advancing the mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sector. Awardees are matched with mentors from Prologis, as well…

  • Hanson Dai presents at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

    May 20, 2024

    Hanson Dai

    Each year at the Undergraduate Research Symposium nearly 1,000 undergraduate students from all three UW campuses and other local institutions present their research spanning over 100 disciplines. Hanson Dai, a senior majoring in Real Estate, recently delivered an oral presentation discussing his work in collaboration with Professor Arthur Acolin at the University of Washington’s 2024…

  • Increasing Washington State’s Residential Development Capacity

    March 29, 2024

    In recent years, the Washington legislature has enacted significant legislation intended to increase capacity for residential development in urban areas and thereby make housing more affordable. It is well understood that unnecessarily restrictive regulatory constraints are among the key factors leading to the inadequate supply and high cost of housing. This legislation directly targets these…

  • Runstad Dept of RE Student team wins the 2024 NAIOP Real Estate Challenge!

    March 25, 2024

    Our Runstad Department of Real Estate student team has won the 2024 NAIOP Real Estate Challenge!

  • Remembering Matt Disston

    March 25, 2024

    “He was always easy going and willing to help you out no matter what you needed. He was more interested in seeing students succeed than anything else. Also, he loved to show off his guitars to the class and was always finding ways to connect with us.”

  • 2023 Runstad Leadership Dinner

    March 25, 2024

    The 10th Annual Runstad Leadership Dinner was a record breaking event! There were over 800 people in the room showing their support of our department, programs, and students.

  • 2023-24 Ferguson Fellow Audrey Ochsner

    March 25, 2024

    The program has helped me to meet people in the industry from all over the country, including fellow students, as well as professionals that can offer us guidance as we prepare to graduate and enter the workforce.

  • WCRER Expands

    March 25, 2024

    The Washington Center for Real Estate Research (WCRER), based in the Runstad Department of Real Estate, has ambitious plans to expand its data collection and research activities in the coming years.

  • Monica Wallace: Board Member Profile

    March 25, 2024

    Monica Wallace

    Take advantage of all of the great opportunities that these programs provide: mentorship, networking, access to industry leaders who are always happy to hop on a call or meet for coffee.

  • Remembering Jon Runstad: A Philanthropist and Real Estate Visionary

    July 26, 2023

    Jon Runstad

    The Runstad Department of Real Estate is deeply saddened by the loss of Jon Runstad '64, a prominent figure in the real estate industry and a dedicated philanthropist.

  • Runstad Leadership Dinner Provides Record Support for Undergraduate Scholarships

    July 26, 2023

    UW Campus

    The overwhelmingly successful paddle raise at last year’s Runstad Leadership Dinner has enabled the Runstad Department of Real Estate to significantly expand scholarship support to undergraduate majors in real estate. Hear what this support means to the scholarship recipients.

  • Runstad Department Experiences Growth and Change

    July 26, 2023

    MSRE & RE Major grads 2023

    The 2022-2023 academic year was a busy one for the Runstad Department of Real Estate.

  • Empowering Change: Runstad’s Commitment to Diversity in Real Estate

    July 25, 2023

    The Runstad Advisory Board has developed several committees focused on supporting the Runstad Department of Real Estate’s students, faculty and programs. One of these committees, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, is dedicated to helping create a future where equity is embraced so that the real estate industry and built environment reflect the rich diversity…

  • Publication of the Largest National Study on Community Land Trusts and Nonprofits with Shared Equity Homeownership Programs

    July 25, 2023

    Community Land Trusts in North America

    The Largest National Study on Community Land Trusts and Nonprofits with Shared Equity Homeownership Programs was recently completed. Vince Wang, Ph.D., assistant professor of real estate, was part of the research team.

  • Governor Inslee makes second visit to College of Built Environments in 18 months

    July 25, 2023

    gov inslee visit

    Governor Inslee recently visited the College of Built Environments, where he met with several faculty members to discuss their research and its relevance to his proposal to increase investment in affordable housing.