Dongman received her Bachelor’s degree in Economics with a concentration in International Finance from Guangdong University of Finance and is pursuing a master’s degree in real estate from the University of Washington. She also sharpened her international business skills in the one year Business Management Core (BMC) program in the School of Business at Portland State University.
In the summer of 2012, Dongman began working as an intern in the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Zhuhai branch. She worked there as a part-time assistant every summer and winter vacation from 2012 to 2015. Working with loan management processes, she deepened her understanding of real estate loans and decided she wanted to focus her advanced education in real estate development and finance.
It is undeniable that real estate development in China has experienced a remarkable expansion in recent years. This development, however, has not gone parallel with the demand for real estate. If the situation reaches a crisis point, the consequences will be serious for the Chinese economy and for the world economy as well. Knowing the tough situation, Dongman hopes to use her skills to improve market analysis and investment decision making in global real estate markets.
Dongman has proven to be a capable, hardworking and determined student and expects herself to thrive in the real estate field.