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Roushan Kwatra awarded NAIOP Scholarship

The NAIOP + Prologis Inclusion in CRE Scholarship is awarded to 15 awardees annually across the United States for outstanding dedication and commitment to networking organizations in Commercial Real Estate as well as leadership in advancing the mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sector. Awardees are matched with mentors from Prologis, as well as given the chance to attend an all-expenses paid trip to either of NAIOP’s I.CON East/West conferences, where they are recognized for their achievements. Roushan Kwatra attended the I.CON West conference in Long Beach, CA where he had the chance to network with his fellow awardees as well as industry veterans and professionals from companies like Prologis, Pannatoni Development, Altus Group etc. Roushan was the only awardee from NAIOP’s Washington State chapter in 2024 and is grateful to the chapter for their continued support of his goals in the commercial real estate space.

Read more about Roushan on NAIOP’s website here

Congratulations Roushan!