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MSRE team wins the 2016 NAIOP Real Estate Challenge

Victory!  The Runstad Center’s student team took home the trophy winning first place in the annual NAIOP Real Estate Challenge, held March 10th at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue.  This event features teams from the University of Washington, the University of British Columbia, and Portland State University.  Students from each university’s real estate program compete from January through March to create and present a development proposal for a mixed-use community project.  This year’s site was TOD in the Bel-Red corridor. The 2016 Real Estate Challenge focused on three parcels to develop active TOD adjacent to the transit station, including 300 parking spaces and bike facilities, to be developed before the start of light rail service in 2023.


The Runstad Center’s team presented “Moment130”, a proposal that consisted of three mixed use residential buildings with affordable apartments, unique retail and underground shared parking.

If you weren’t able to attend the NAIOP breakfast, the team’s executive summary from the report is available online.

Congratulations to our hardworking students, and the tireless support and mentorship of our faculty sponsors, Chris Bitter and Al Levine!

NAIOP 2016







Here are some renderings from the winning proposal













Affiliate Instructor Search

The University of Washington’s Department of Construction Management and the Runstad Center are seeking an affiliate part-time instructor for the MS in Real Estate.  We are seeking an instructor to teach Corporate Real Estate in autumn quarter 2016.

This Corporate Real Estate course is the first of its kind in a university setting and will be focused on identifying and servicing the strategies and needs of corporate America through owned and leased commercial property assets.

Interested applicants should submit a letter of intent, resume, and three letters of recommendation by April 15, 2016 to  Prof. Dermisi can also answer specific questions regarding the appointment and provide a draft course outline.

Detailed information about the positions can be found here.

CBE students receive an honorable mention in the 2016 ULI Hines Competition

Five students from the College of Built Environments, including two of our own MSRE students, competed in the 14th Annual Urban Land Institute Hines Competition.  Genevieve Hale-Case (MUP/MSRE), Tak Stewart (MSRE), Domenico Martinucci (MUP), Matthew Donoghue (MUP), and Stevie t(MArch/MLA) competed against schools from across the country and earned an honorable mention for their proposal, “The Edge: Turning Constraints into Opportunities.”

This year’s site was an area in Atlanta’s Midtown neighborhood.  The Hines Competition asked teams to create a design and development proposal for parts of an existing, large-scale site in an urban area.  Read the team’s narrative summary here.  We are very proud of the students’ effort and all the hard work they put into this year’s competition.

For more information on the 2016 ULI Hines Competition read the press release.






Chinese Investment in the Puget Sound Region Panel Discussion

Join us on Thursday, March 10th @ 5:30 pm for this interesting panel discussion sponsored by the UW Real Estate Club.


Chinese Investment in the Puget Sound Region Panel Discussion

March 10th, 5:30 pm

Bank of America Executive Education Center
(4th Floor / Douglas Forum) on UW Campus [ Map ]

Admission is free but please RSVP:


The #3 reason to study real estate at the Runstad Center for Real Estate Studies…

#3 Interdisciplinary environment at a top 5 in the world university

Most Real Estate programs are housed in a Business School- not Runstad…We pride ourselves on our location in the College of Built Environments- offering access to interdisciplinary opportunities in Construction Management, Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning—AND Vice Versa! While the curriculum does include elective opportunities that provide opportunities to access other offerings from the University like the Evans Public Policy School, Foster School of Business and College of the Environment…We find the College of Built Environments actually provides a unique experience that bolsters both the curriculum and the experience.

Find seven more reasons here

gould hall

2014 Runstad Fellows NAIOP presentation

Last week, the 2014 Runstad Affiliate Fellows presented their program “Risks & Collaborations: A Discussion on the Future of Seattle” at the January NAIOP breakfast meeting. The program was sponsored by Touchstone and Deutsche Asset Management. We want to give a heartfelt thanks to Touchstone, Deutsche Asset Management and expecially NAIOP for their continued support of the Runstad Affiliate Fellows program.

NAIOP provided a nice recap on their blog.  Read about the program here

Yeon Soo Lee, Maiko Winkler-Chin, Joe Ferguson, Andrew Hunt, Suzanne Cartwright, Kate Simonen, Peter Orser, John Teutsche


Seattle firm Lake Union Partners is booming with projects

Lake Union Partners was featured in two stories in the Seattle Times this past week.  Our very own, past MSRE student mentor and Runstad Fellow Joe Ferguson, is one of the four principals of this innovative firm.  Read about how the financial crisis played a part in starting this great company and about the exciting projects they have in the works here and here.




MSRE Info Session, January 25th

Interested in learning more about our Master of Science in Real Estate program?  We will be holding an MSRE Info Session on the Seattle UW campus Monday, January 25th.  Lunch will be provided!

MSRE Info Session
Monday, January 25th
12:30 pm

UW Seattle Campus
Gould Hall
3950 University Ave NE, room 100

please RSVP:


The #2 reason to study real estate at the Runstad Center for Real Estate Studies…

#2 Association conferences and competitions

Each of our students are encouraged to participate in one or more industry associations for the access to industry leaders and cutting edge ideas that it provides. Many of these associations also have strong emerging leader programs that allow access to peers in the working environment. The program provides lodging and travel expenses to attend one national conference of your choice. In addition, there are many regional and national real estate competitions designed to give the student project experience working in teams in a competitive environment. Yes we have taken home a few trophies!