Board, staff, faculty, alumni and current students are looking forward to summer 2016! We asked everyone to summarize their summer plans in three words (Some participants’ plans were so big they couldn’t only use three words!). Here is what your fellow Runstad peers are up to…
Laura Huntington, Runstad Affiliate Faculty:
Mentally somewhere else…
Mia Guo, MSRE Candidate 2017 :
Relaxing with family! 🙂
Matthew Ricci, MSRE Candidate 2017:
Sunshine, Wine, Friends
Genevieve Hale Case, MSRE/MUP Candidate 2017:
Internship, thesis, playing
Ed McGovern, Runstad Advisory Board Member and Affiliate Faculty:
Raising private equity
Sofia Dermisi, Faculty member:
“I am heading to Europe for the summer. On the first leg of my trip I will be representing UW/CBE in our new partnership with IREBS/University of Regensburg in Germany. I will also represent the American Real Estate Society as the elected Vice Program chair and UW/CBE at the European Real Estate Society conference in Germany presenting my recent research. Then I will be heading to Greece for some field research on the major migration crisis and the security concerns from mass population flows to Europe.”
Pat McCabe, Affiliate Faculty:
Family, Relax, Travel
Al Levine, Affiliate Faculty:
England w/37 UW students
AP Hurd, Runstad Affiliate Fellow and Affiliate Faculty:
Going to Quebec to spend time at a lake that is so clean you can drink the water. I plan to swim a lot and hone my talents as a baleen whale.